Welcome to SPINN.NET

Spinn.net is powered by La Tierra Communications (LTC), a locally owned and operated Internet Service Provider in New Mexico. Spinn.Net/LTC has been proven as an innovative and reliable Internet access provider for New Mexico and throughout the US over the last 10 years.

If you're looking for  personal, friendly Internet service, then Spinn.Net is the ISP for you.

Call Us Today!

Toll Free: 1-877-938-SPINN
ABQ: 505- 938-7746
LRU: 575-522-2681


Spinn.Net is currently updating and improving it's servers and services. These upgrades should not adversely effect our customer experience. If you have questions and/or are expriencinig technical difficulties please let us know as soon as possible.

Spinn.Net Xtras:

*The links below are provided as is:

NEWS, NEWS and more NEWS

abcnews.go.com reuters.com
worldnetdaily.com cnn.com
bbcnews drudgereport.com
cbsnews.com news.google.com
foxnews.com usatoday.com

All things SPORTY

nfl.com nba.com
espn.com pga.com
mlb.com mlsnet.com
golfweb.com nascar.com
wnba.com nhra.com

Weather links

KOAT 7 kobtv.com
krqe.com intellicast.com
weather.com accuweather.com

New Mexico Links

State MVD University of NM

NM Lottery

NM State Parks
City of ABQ ABQ Journal

Money Stuff

etrade.com quicken.com
reuters.com abcnews.go.com
money.com stocks.com

Links for the KIDS

bigideafun.com explorescience.com
yahooligans.com nickjr.com
yucky.com lego.com

Movie Reviews & More!

fandango.com pluggedinonline.com
cleanflicks.com movies.com
previewonline.org metacritic.co

Console Games - Tips & Cheats

ea.com activegamer.com
gamers.com ign.com
gamespot.com firingsquad.gamers.com

Todays Date:

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Local Weather

Click for Albuquerque, New Mexico Forecast

Click for Las Cruces, New Mexico Forecast

 Spinn.Net Services -

We offer a range of internet services to fit your needs. For a detailed list Click Here.

 Spinn.Net Support -

Our staff of trained Technicians have access to the latest information and tools to serve you.  For more info Click here.

Spinn.Net Billing -

These pages contain information about our billing services and policies. If you have a question or comment reagarding your account please Click Here.

Contact Us:

Spinn.Net ISP
3530 Foothills Rd, Suite L
Las Cruces, New Mexico 88011

505-938-SPINN (7746)

Toll Free
877-938-SPINN (7746)

